Thursday, September 26, 2019

CHA performance monitoring critical ssessment Essay

CHA performance monitoring critical ssessment - Essay Example Estate Management of CHA aims to provide the tenants with high quality services and facilities subject to consultations with the stakeholders, and in compliance with the Decent Homes Standards, the neighbourhood, and local authorities. It aims to satisfy different parties involved in the maintenance, development, and improvement of housing requirements. To be able to achieve satisfaction, a Market Analysis was done and CHA has been working in partnership with tenants, providers, and local authorities so that the desirable results can be realized to the satisfaction of all the parties involved. In the Market Analysis, high quality design has to be blended with costs, given the situation wherein only 12 % of residents are employed while 18 % lost their employment; 73 % of households receive housing benefits; 43 % receive income support. And the economy might not have affordable mortgage lending available for many. CHA therefore applies for, receives, and utilizes grants from the NHAP ( National Housing Affordable Programme). To the Self-Assessment Questionnaire provided for Estate Management by SHR, the answers to all the questions (appended) will be yes. However, Equality for a diverse set of tenants is one of the standards for Estate Management. In relation to the Equality and Diversity elements of Objective # 4 which states that CHA should â€Å" enhance the (CHA) association through a commitment to equality and diversity and value for money† ... Even on the overall, tenant satisfaction fell below the desired KPI in two consecutive quarters. KPI of 73 % was attained while the desired KPI was 86 %. Even after considering the views of the landlords, performance was only 60 % which was below the desired 79 %. One of the Self-Assessment Questions by the SHR was, â€Å"Have we published documents that clearly and specifically set out our commitment and approach to equalities issues?† The answer is not yet. CHA still has to inform residents about the way the association allocates and prioritizes expenditures for the services intended to meet national standards. CHA still has to communicate how the organization has added value for money and what benefits the residents can expect. The CHA Corporate Plan and Business Strategy disclosed that the organization has yet to â€Å"complete and maintain a 100 % tenant profile of the diversity needs of all residents†. In short, even the profiling should conform with the prescribe d performance standards by having some information about tenants. According to the KPI, CHA had already reached 80% to over 81% of the project to complete tenant profiling. Perhaps the survey to determine the extent of compliance with the SHR should tap the 81 % available tenant profiling so that there can be some identification of weaknesses and strengths in the matter of satisfying different tenants with diverse situations. This will allow CHA to arrange questionnaires by classification of respondents so that they can be tabulated accordingly. As it is, there was no such tabulation for the diverse groups. Shared owners were surveyed as a whole without categories as to employment, race, religious belief,

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