Sunday, January 5, 2020

Parenting Styles What They Are and Why They Matter Essay

A parent is not only the loving mother who holds you close to her for nine months and then many years, or the dad who plays baseball with you and intimidates his daughter’s dates. It is someone who is there for you from the start, guiding you to the right path of knowledge and teaching you how to stay on the right path independently. A parent does not need to have any biological associations to the child in order to be a parent to them. A parent must have certain characteristics to be rightfully called a parent. For many years psychologists have defined ways to correctly support a child to adulthood for parents all over the world. Some people conclude their practice of parenting their children after the child reaches the age of 18, and†¦show more content†¦There is Authoritarian, Authoritative, and Permissive. Baumrind is also cited in the journal â€Å"Parenting Style as a Moderator for Students’ Academic Achievement.† (Ishak, Low Lau, 2011) However th e parenting styles as listed by Baumrind in the journal are distinct in character, and much through the levels of responsiveness and demandingness each style has. Maccoby and Martin, who are also cited in the second listed journal, had captured the important elements. Parental Responsiveness is parallel to the emotional support a parent would show to the child to their special needs and demands. The parent would listen to the child’s interests and goals, which can result as motivation for academic achievement if listened to properly and shown the right motivation for achievement. Parental responsiveness can be thought of as a parent â€Å"responding† to their child’s need of emotional support. Parental demandingness refers to the expectations of that parent of the child. This can range from expecting higher grades, better performance and excellent behavior. (Ishak, Low Lau, 2011) Authoritative Parenting is high in both demanding and responsiveness. The parent would have high expectations of the child in the household and classroom, along with rules however, with the high level of responsiveness there is more communication and reasoning behind the expectations and more emotional support to ensure a healthy relationshipShow MoreRelatedThe, What Makes A Perfect Parent, Raises The Question Essay1630 Words   |  7 PagesChapter 5 of Freakonomics, What Makes a Perfect Parent, raises the question, â€Å"how much do parents really matter?† This is a very interesting question with a number of different answers. Steven Levitt, the author, goes into great detail to answer this question. Right of the start, Levitt mentions, â€Å"Clearly bad parenting matters a great deal† (Levitt, Dubner p.154). 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